
Published on:

8th Mar 2024

Answering the restaurant data questions on everyone’s minds

Data collection is more important than ever for restaurant operators, and with so many sources out there — from POS systems to delivery platforms, and from loyalty programs to digital surveys — the potential data mine is infinite. But information collection is not just a numbers game; quality and utility are just as important.

According to the December 2023 Market Leader Report from Nation’s Restaurant News Intelligence, only 21% of operators would rate their data quality as good, while only one-quarter of restaurant operators are confident in their data optimization abilities, revealing the need for more data education.

But just knowing how important data is to the operations of a modern restaurant isn’t enough. Restaurant operators need to build the nuts and bolts of data optimization by asking themselves (and their teams) the right questions.

For more, let's turn to senior technology editor Joanna Fantozzi.

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About the Podcast

First Bite
A daily podcast featuring top news from around the restaurant industry.
First Bite, hosted by Nation’s Restaurant News digital editor Holly Petre, highlights the top restaurant industry headlines of each day followed by a short conversation on one of the day’s trending stories. Published early every weekday morning, First Bite is the perfect way to get a brief recap of the daily foodservice news alongside your first cup of coffee.

About your host

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Amy Averbook